Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Use Eggplant

Use Eggplant 

Latin name: Solanum melongena L.
Tribe: Solanaceae

Eggplant including trunk and branched plants. Leafy single or double occupancy. Eggplants have many some adapula round the elongated fruit.

Content and benefits:
Pregnancy nutrition protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, B1 and C

 1. Wound swelling
Crushed 1 of eggplant, then borehkan into a swollen body part
2. Itching due to weather
Rebuh eggplant then use boiling water to rinse the itchy
3. Cough
Old 30 g peeled eggplant, boiled with 2 glasses of water. Give a bit of palm sugar. Once chilled drink 3 times a day
4. Rheumatologists
Boil 15 g Trung root with 1 cup water. Drinking water due to boiling

Benefits and Uses Tea

Benefits and Uses Tea 

Latin name: Camellia sinensis L. or Teha sinensis L.Ethnicity: Tehaceae

This plant grows in the mountainous regions. The leaves are oval shaped and pointy, short stems, leaves surfaces shiny and somewhat hairy underneath. Tea tree white colored flowers while brown colored fruit. For daily tea consumption is usually derived from 2-3 leaflet young leaves that have been fermented.

Content and Benefits:

Tea is generally we know that there are 2 kinds of black tea and green tea. Both contain substances teina (a type alkaloids such as caffeine) and tannin. What distinguishes the green tea is epigallocatechin-error substances taninnya efficacious in preventing cancer. Content teina is in tea handy to refresh your body and mind, blood circulation, stimulate the heart, preventing heart disease and stroke, improves digestion and can burn fat. Besides vitamin C content in fresh tea leaves are quite high compared to oranges and tomatoes used for preventing the flu. Besides fluorine content and flavonoids in tea is useful for strengthening teeth.


  •  Diarrhea
Brewed black tea then drink while warm
  •  Cold
Make a strong tea, mixed with a little lemon juice and a little sugar. Drink this mixture 3 times a day each 1 cup while for the kids quite ½ cup only
  •  Diuretic
Drinking green tea 2 times a day, each 1 cup
  •  Preventing cancer
Drinking green tea 2 times a day, each 1 cup
  •  Prevent plaque and strengthen teeth
Drink 1 cup of tea 1 time per day
  •  Hypertension
Drinking tea 2 times a day each 1 cup
  •  Lowering Cholesterol
Drinking green tea 2 times a day 1 cup
  •  Headache / Migraine
Drinking tea 2 times a day each 1 cup
  •  Preventing heart disease
Drinking tea 2 times a day each 1 cup
  •  Nourish hair
Tea was already stale (not sweet tea) used as boreh to the scalp and let stand for 1 hour. Clean with water.
  •  Caring for the face
Tea was already stale (not sweet tea) basuhkan to face, let sit a few minutes, then rinse with clean water

Benefits and Uses Pineapple

Benefits and Uses Pineapple

Latin name is Ananas comosus Merr. Of interest Agaraceae

Pineapple is a fruit that has a crown of thorns. The leaves are long also have spines on each edge. Flesh colored yellow and has a fragrant odor and fibrous and juicy.

Ingredients and benefits of pineapple:
Pineapple contains dextrose, laevulose, sakrosa, organic acids, Proteose, globulin and bromelain. Pineapples can be launched expenditure urine and feces can also affect the uterus to shed menstruation and abortion. Therefore, for pregnant or after giving birth is not recommended to consume pineapple. In addition to patients with kidney disease and diabetes are also not recommended to eat it.

Uses pineapple: 

1. Abdominal pain caused by contaminated food, heartburn, abdominal bloating after eating, Lose weight, diarrhea accompanied by heartburn and rectal oanas
Peel the pineapple is ripe and dump her then puree with shredded or blended. Squeeze the juice and ½ cup prime after eating habbis
2. Horny
Rub skin nnas or pineapple juice thickened skin on the hands and feet every day over and over again
3. Fever due to stomach heat
Recipes similar to no. Only 1 minu pineapple juice in between meals
4. Fever
Recipes similar to no. 1 drink 2 times a day each ½ cup
5. Flu
Recipes with no.1, drink a few times a day but do not cooled
6. Dandruff
Method I:
• Grate young pineapple that has been cleaned up and throw her
• ½ pulverized leaf galling (Vitis trifolia L.) and mix
• Let stand for 2 hours and filtered with cloth
• Use to rinse when shampooing, repeat until the dandruff is gone
Method II:
• Squeeze the grated pineapple
• Rub water on the scalp every night before bed
• Keramas next morning
7. Laryngitis
For the same recipe no. 1, it's just more or less frequently to drink ½ cup.
8. Mumps
Recipes similar to no. 1, often to drink and use also to rinse out approximately once every hour
9. Irregular bowel movements
Prescription according to no. 1 drink 1 tablespoon after meals
10. Wormy
• Squeeze a young pineapple that has been shredded
• Add 2 tablespoons of honey or sugar syrup
• Drinks in children who suffer from intestinal worms

Treatment with Lemon

Treatment with Lemon

Latin Name: Citrus aurantifolia (Christm) suringle
Efficacy: Expectorants

Plant part used: fruit

Getting treatment: 

  •  Cough
Squeeze 1 lime fruit. Mix with soy sauce or honey to taste. Drink 2 times a day morning and evening.
  •  Fever
Brewed 5 leaves of fresh lime juice, 3 sembung leaves, 5 leaves prasman and 115 ml water. Drink 1 time a day 100 ml
  •  Sore Throat
Grease 1 sliced ​​lemon with a little whiting. Heat a small fire diataas then squeeze. Drink 2 times a day 1 potion
  •  Menstrual Pain
Squeeze 1 lime fruit. Add 2 fingers whiting and eucalyptus oil to taste and mix well. Apply on the stomach

Lose Weight with Corn

Lose Weight with Corn 

For those of you who want to lose weight, you can start by eating corn without avoid eating rice just still have to maintain a good diet.

In addition to losing weight corn also has several other benefits such as preventing constipation, muscle and bone builder and is useful for healthy brain and nervous system

How to use:

Steamed 1-2 cobs of corn that has been peeled by as much as 400 ml of water to remaining 200 ml. when cool, remove corn kernels from the cob then blend with 50cc of water. This juice drink with lime juice 3 times a week each 1 cup after meals

Efficacy Banana

 Efficacy Banana

Bananas are often used as a
favorite dessert . But did you know properties of bananas? Here is the efficacy of a banana:
1. Balancing the water in the body
2. Lowering blood pressure
3. Maintaining heart health
4. Helps transport oxygen to the brain
5. Not yet ripe bananas have a high content of hemicellulose, helps removal of fat in the blood
6. Bananas are also quite good for ulcers disease
How to use:
Blender 100 gr banana peeled and deseeded. Add water little by little to 50 cc when you blend. Drink 1 cup a day in the morning and afternoon

Efficacy of Mangoes

Efficacy of Mangoes 

In addition to delicious served as a dessert, mango also has some properties that are good for the body:

1. Launched the digestive tract
2. Protect the body from infection
3. Cleaning the blood flow
4. Reduce excess body heat
5. Reducing pain
6. Eliminates body odor
How to use:
Blend mango peeled and deseeded. Add water little by little as you blend up to 50 cc. Drinking in the morning or afternoon 2-3 hours after eating

Benefits of Soursop

Benefits of Soursop 

Turns sour taste makes the fruit is still popular. As for some of the properties of soursop fruit namely:

1. Increase endurance
2. Preventing the aging process
3. Overcoming constipation
4. Overcoming interference stiffness in hips, low back pain and gallstones
How to use:
Wash 100 grams of ripe soursop, seeded and then blended. While blending add a little water to 50 cc. This juice drink 1 glass a day 2-3 hours after breakfast or lunch

Benefits StarFruit

Benefits Starfruit 

Besides the sweet and slightly sour, the starfruit has several benefits. Among them are:
1. as an antioxidant
2. Increase endurance
3. Lowering high blood pressure, cholesterol and bile acids in the body
How to use:
Wash the sweet star fruit 100 g (fresh and ripe) then blend with the seeds. When you blend add a little water to 50 cc. Drink this juice 1 time shari after dinner

Efficacy Apples

Efficacy Apples 

In addition to a delicious taste, apples also have some benefits such as:

1. Improving digestive muscles
2. Encourage food waste in drainage
3. Absorb excess water in the intestine
4. Controlling the release of insulin
5. Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol
6. Cleansing the body
7. Cure all inflammatory
8. Overcome any infection
9. Helps bone formation
10. Absorb calcium from food
How to use:

Apple juice that has been washed and seeded with 50 cc of water. Drink 1 glass per day after lunch

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ingredients and Benefits of Watercress (Kangkung) 



    Watercress has the Latin name Ipomoea aquatic Forsk. is a plant that grows in wet places belonging to   the Convolvulaceae tribe. The trunk jointed, hollow and branching.     
    As for the content of watercress: watercress is detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, laxative urine, stop bleeding, sedatife (sleeping pills), kale is also soothing and calming. Besides watercress also contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, hentriakontan and sitosterol.   
    Seeing the many content owned by watercress, watercress also have the benefit of that: reduces menstrual bleeding, eczema, calluses, headache, constipation, insomnia, ulcers, toothache, diuretic, dandruff, constipation, nausea for pregnant women, thrush and swollen gums    
    Here's how to use watercress as a medicinal plant:

1. Reduce Menstrual    

    To reduce the period, simply by mashing approximately ½ kg watercress leaves then mix with enough water. Strain and add 1 tablespoon of honey and drink 1 a day.

2. Nosebleed    

    For nosebleeds, wash watercress leaves to taste then mash until smooth, add sugar to taste and pour water. Once cool, strain and drink 2 times a day.

3. Eczema 

    Method I:
• Clean up a bunch of watercress and then boiled with enough water to boil for about 10 minutes
• While warm, use it to wash the itchy
• Do it once a day
    Method II:
Mash the stems and roots of a bunch of watercress and use as a compress
4. Horny    
    For those of you who exposed calluses, use watercress sap to heal by applying sap kale in the affected part of calluses. Perform routine every day until cured.

5. Headache    

    Method I:
• Mash until smooth handful of watercress
• Add a little salt and enough water
• Filter and give honey to taste
• Drink 1 a day
    Method II:
Boil a bunch of watercress leaves and stems then drink boiled water yield.
6. Hemorrhoid
• Wash watercress handful of roots
• Boil 3 cups of water until reduced to ½ cup of water
• After a cold, drink daily 2 x ½ cups
7. Insomnia    
    For those people with insomnia, do not worry turns watercress can help to alleviate insomnia in a way you frequently eat kale leaves.

8. Ulcer

• Wash 15 to 20 watercress leaves
• Mash until smooth then compress a boil
• Apply 2 times a day
9. Toothache    
    To relieve a toothache, you can boil a handful of watercress roots plus ½ teaspoon of vinegar with 1 cup boiling water. Then use water to rinse stew results.

10. Launching Urine    

    Boil a handful of watercress roots with 2 glass of water up to 1 cup and then drink the stew 1 a day

11. Dandruff    

    To get rid of dandruff you can soak into the water to taste fresh watercress for one night until the water turns to blue. Use water while shampooing

12. Constipation and Nausea For Pregnant Women   

     For the case of constipation and nausea in pregnant women, you just eat sautéed watercress

13. Thrush and Swollen Gums
• Wash a bunch of watercress
• mash and add 1 cup of water and then squeeze and strain
• Add a little salt and then use water to rinse

Benefits And Usefulness Long Beans

Benefits And Usefulness Long Beans 



Long bean is a plant of the Fabaceae tribe by the Latin name Vigna Sinensis Endle. This plant has many benefits and uses for us to prevent some diseases such as hair loss, reduced ASI, mastitis / breast swelling, breast care and anemia.

The content of long beans leaves and fruit which contain protein and lime / calcium is high enough. It also contain of phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sulfur, and vitamins B1, B2, and C.

Here is a recipe using beans as a medicine:
1. Hair Loss
   To treat hair loss, follow these steps:

  • Wash a handful of young leaves beans then mash until smooth
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil
  • Rub the mixture on your scalp and then massage gently
  • Wrap your head with a towel for a few minutes then rinse thoroughly
  • Take 1 a day

2. Reducing Asi
    To reduce the production of breast milk, mash until smooth handful of beans. Add 12 mg of alum powder  and rub on the breast (not the nipple).

3. Mastitis / Breast Swelling
    To treat swollen breasts you can use the bean display by:

  • Wash thoroughly beans
  •  Mix and squeeze in a little water until the leaves are limp whiting
  • stick swollen breasts except the nipples
  • If the dried leaves replace with a new one, repeat until healed

4. Breast Care
    To care for your breasts, take 10 pieces of string beans and then mash until smooth it out bean extract the juice and then smeared it on your breasts 2 times a week

5. Anemia
    For users of anemia do the following:

  • Wash ½ handheld leaf beans then mash until smooth
  •  Add 1 tablespoon of pure honey, 2 tablespoons of the lime juice and mix well
  •  Squeeze out the juice and then drink up to 2 times daily 3 tablespoons

Content and Benefit Of Avocado

Content and Benefit of Avocado

Latin’s name of avocado is Persea Americana Mill. The tree of avocado can grow until 10 m with any branch. It has green’s rind with yellow’s fruit flesh. Besides it so delicious to eat it have more content and benefit to us too.
Avocado can expedite our urinary and it can be antibody to our body. So it can be medicine to some of disease like kidney stone, Hypertension, ulceration of the mouth, varicose, lumbago. It’s also can refine our skin and moisturize our dry skin.
Its recipe to consume an Avocado is medicine:
1.    Kidney stone
  • Boil 7 sheet of avocado’s leafs with ½ glass of boiling water
  • Drink twice a day at morning and evening
2.      Hypertension
  •   Boil 3 -5 sheet of avocado’s leafs with 1 glass of boiling water
  • Drink all boiling avocado’s leaf once a day
3.      Ulceration of the mouth
  • Mix one of avocado’s flesh with 2 spoons of honey
  •  Eat three times a day
4.      Varicose
  •   Pulverize of 1 – 2 avocados
  • Give some water until like a porridge
  •  Smear in a piece of body sick
5.      Lumbago
  •    Boil 5 avocado’s leafs with 2 glasses water until the water just has been  one glass
  •   Raise and mist one night
  • Drink in morning
6.      Refining of skin
  •  Pulverize an avocado
  •  Smear at face and hand , wait until 30 minute
7.      Moisturizing of dry skin
  • Pulverize an avocado until soft
  • Smear at face and wait until that soft avocado is arid
  • Wash face with warms water
  •  After that smear your face with ice