Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Benefits and Uses Pineapple

Benefits and Uses Pineapple

Latin name is Ananas comosus Merr. Of interest Agaraceae

Pineapple is a fruit that has a crown of thorns. The leaves are long also have spines on each edge. Flesh colored yellow and has a fragrant odor and fibrous and juicy.

Ingredients and benefits of pineapple:
Pineapple contains dextrose, laevulose, sakrosa, organic acids, Proteose, globulin and bromelain. Pineapples can be launched expenditure urine and feces can also affect the uterus to shed menstruation and abortion. Therefore, for pregnant or after giving birth is not recommended to consume pineapple. In addition to patients with kidney disease and diabetes are also not recommended to eat it.

Uses pineapple: 

1. Abdominal pain caused by contaminated food, heartburn, abdominal bloating after eating, Lose weight, diarrhea accompanied by heartburn and rectal oanas
Peel the pineapple is ripe and dump her then puree with shredded or blended. Squeeze the juice and ½ cup prime after eating habbis
2. Horny
Rub skin nnas or pineapple juice thickened skin on the hands and feet every day over and over again
3. Fever due to stomach heat
Recipes similar to no. Only 1 minu pineapple juice in between meals
4. Fever
Recipes similar to no. 1 drink 2 times a day each ½ cup
5. Flu
Recipes with no.1, drink a few times a day but do not cooled
6. Dandruff
Method I:
• Grate young pineapple that has been cleaned up and throw her
• ½ pulverized leaf galling (Vitis trifolia L.) and mix
• Let stand for 2 hours and filtered with cloth
• Use to rinse when shampooing, repeat until the dandruff is gone
Method II:
• Squeeze the grated pineapple
• Rub water on the scalp every night before bed
• Keramas next morning
7. Laryngitis
For the same recipe no. 1, it's just more or less frequently to drink ½ cup.
8. Mumps
Recipes similar to no. 1, often to drink and use also to rinse out approximately once every hour
9. Irregular bowel movements
Prescription according to no. 1 drink 1 tablespoon after meals
10. Wormy
• Squeeze a young pineapple that has been shredded
• Add 2 tablespoons of honey or sugar syrup
• Drinks in children who suffer from intestinal worms

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