Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Use Eggplant

Use Eggplant 

Latin name: Solanum melongena L.
Tribe: Solanaceae

Eggplant including trunk and branched plants. Leafy single or double occupancy. Eggplants have many some adapula round the elongated fruit.

Content and benefits:
Pregnancy nutrition protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, B1 and C

 1. Wound swelling
Crushed 1 of eggplant, then borehkan into a swollen body part
2. Itching due to weather
Rebuh eggplant then use boiling water to rinse the itchy
3. Cough
Old 30 g peeled eggplant, boiled with 2 glasses of water. Give a bit of palm sugar. Once chilled drink 3 times a day
4. Rheumatologists
Boil 15 g Trung root with 1 cup water. Drinking water due to boiling

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