Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ingredients and Benefits of Watercress (Kangkung) 



    Watercress has the Latin name Ipomoea aquatic Forsk. is a plant that grows in wet places belonging to   the Convolvulaceae tribe. The trunk jointed, hollow and branching.     
    As for the content of watercress: watercress is detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, laxative urine, stop bleeding, sedatife (sleeping pills), kale is also soothing and calming. Besides watercress also contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, hentriakontan and sitosterol.   
    Seeing the many content owned by watercress, watercress also have the benefit of that: reduces menstrual bleeding, eczema, calluses, headache, constipation, insomnia, ulcers, toothache, diuretic, dandruff, constipation, nausea for pregnant women, thrush and swollen gums    
    Here's how to use watercress as a medicinal plant:

1. Reduce Menstrual    

    To reduce the period, simply by mashing approximately ½ kg watercress leaves then mix with enough water. Strain and add 1 tablespoon of honey and drink 1 a day.

2. Nosebleed    

    For nosebleeds, wash watercress leaves to taste then mash until smooth, add sugar to taste and pour water. Once cool, strain and drink 2 times a day.

3. Eczema 

    Method I:
• Clean up a bunch of watercress and then boiled with enough water to boil for about 10 minutes
• While warm, use it to wash the itchy
• Do it once a day
    Method II:
Mash the stems and roots of a bunch of watercress and use as a compress
4. Horny    
    For those of you who exposed calluses, use watercress sap to heal by applying sap kale in the affected part of calluses. Perform routine every day until cured.

5. Headache    

    Method I:
• Mash until smooth handful of watercress
• Add a little salt and enough water
• Filter and give honey to taste
• Drink 1 a day
    Method II:
Boil a bunch of watercress leaves and stems then drink boiled water yield.
6. Hemorrhoid
• Wash watercress handful of roots
• Boil 3 cups of water until reduced to ½ cup of water
• After a cold, drink daily 2 x ½ cups
7. Insomnia    
    For those people with insomnia, do not worry turns watercress can help to alleviate insomnia in a way you frequently eat kale leaves.

8. Ulcer

• Wash 15 to 20 watercress leaves
• Mash until smooth then compress a boil
• Apply 2 times a day
9. Toothache    
    To relieve a toothache, you can boil a handful of watercress roots plus ½ teaspoon of vinegar with 1 cup boiling water. Then use water to rinse stew results.

10. Launching Urine    

    Boil a handful of watercress roots with 2 glass of water up to 1 cup and then drink the stew 1 a day

11. Dandruff    

    To get rid of dandruff you can soak into the water to taste fresh watercress for one night until the water turns to blue. Use water while shampooing

12. Constipation and Nausea For Pregnant Women   

     For the case of constipation and nausea in pregnant women, you just eat sautéed watercress

13. Thrush and Swollen Gums
• Wash a bunch of watercress
• mash and add 1 cup of water and then squeeze and strain
• Add a little salt and then use water to rinse

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