Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Benefits and Uses Tea

Benefits and Uses Tea 

Latin name: Camellia sinensis L. or Teha sinensis L.Ethnicity: Tehaceae

This plant grows in the mountainous regions. The leaves are oval shaped and pointy, short stems, leaves surfaces shiny and somewhat hairy underneath. Tea tree white colored flowers while brown colored fruit. For daily tea consumption is usually derived from 2-3 leaflet young leaves that have been fermented.

Content and Benefits:

Tea is generally we know that there are 2 kinds of black tea and green tea. Both contain substances teina (a type alkaloids such as caffeine) and tannin. What distinguishes the green tea is epigallocatechin-error substances taninnya efficacious in preventing cancer. Content teina is in tea handy to refresh your body and mind, blood circulation, stimulate the heart, preventing heart disease and stroke, improves digestion and can burn fat. Besides vitamin C content in fresh tea leaves are quite high compared to oranges and tomatoes used for preventing the flu. Besides fluorine content and flavonoids in tea is useful for strengthening teeth.


  •  Diarrhea
Brewed black tea then drink while warm
  •  Cold
Make a strong tea, mixed with a little lemon juice and a little sugar. Drink this mixture 3 times a day each 1 cup while for the kids quite ½ cup only
  •  Diuretic
Drinking green tea 2 times a day, each 1 cup
  •  Preventing cancer
Drinking green tea 2 times a day, each 1 cup
  •  Prevent plaque and strengthen teeth
Drink 1 cup of tea 1 time per day
  •  Hypertension
Drinking tea 2 times a day each 1 cup
  •  Lowering Cholesterol
Drinking green tea 2 times a day 1 cup
  •  Headache / Migraine
Drinking tea 2 times a day each 1 cup
  •  Preventing heart disease
Drinking tea 2 times a day each 1 cup
  •  Nourish hair
Tea was already stale (not sweet tea) used as boreh to the scalp and let stand for 1 hour. Clean with water.
  •  Caring for the face
Tea was already stale (not sweet tea) basuhkan to face, let sit a few minutes, then rinse with clean water

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