Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Herbs and healthy foods for people with diabetes mellitus

 Herbs and healthy foods for people with diabetes mellitus

1. Peas.

Legumes are high in fiber. Is a component of plant fiber to fill you up, stabilize blood sugar levels, and even lower cholesterol. A half cup of black beans contains about seven grams of fiber. In addition, legumes also contain calcium, minerals that are proven to help burn body fat. Half a cup contains about 100 grams of calcium, about 10 percent of the daily intake. In addition, beans are also a rich source of food protein.Berbeda with animal protein (meat), legumes low in saturated fats, fats that clog arteries and lead to heart disease.
2. Milk,
Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt, rich in calcium and vitamin D. A recent study perevention.com site, found that women who consumed more than 1,200 mg of calcium or lebihdari 800 international units (IU) of vitamin D a day 33 percent lower risk of diabetes than those who consume these nutrients in amounts less. But, make sure to choose dairy products that are low or free of fat.
3. Salmon,
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Three ounces of salmon provides about 1,800 mg of omega-3. This healthy type of fat used for reducing the risk of heart disease, lose weight, reduce inflammation, and improve insulin resistance. In addition, fish also contain vitamin D.
4. Tuna,
Tuna fish is also rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Three ounces of tuna donated 1,300 mg of omega-3 and some vitamin D.
5. Hemp seeds,
Flaxseeds are rich in fiber and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which your body converts omega-3 EPA and DHA. Several large studies have found an association between increased intake of ALA and decreased incidence of heart disease, heart attacks and other cardiovascular disorders. Small seeds is also expressed to lower cholesterol and blood sugar.
6. Walnuts,
One ounce of nuts is healthy (about seven seed) contains two grams of fiber and two point six grams of ALA. However, this number is also donating 185 calories. So, pay attention to the amount of intake if you're maintaining your weight.
7. Peanut Butter,
Several studies have suggested that peanut butter can reduce the risk of diabetes. The content of fiber in it (two tablespoons contains two grams of fiber) contributed to the reduction of this risk. In addition, peanut butter also contain unsaturated fats that are good for the heart. However, these foods are also rich in calories. Therefore, watch your intake dose.
8. Dark chocolate (dark chocolate),
Chocolate is rich in antioxidant flavonoids, which work to improve levels of good cholesterol and bad and reduce blood pressure.

Healthy Eating Tips for Diabetes Mellitus

 Healthy Eating Tips for Diabetes Mellitus

1. Expand Vegetable

Patients with Diabetes mellitus can increase the servings of vegetables every day because the benefits are very good for the body. Consumption of vegetables is very important to control the body with fiber that can bind to carbohydrates for diabetes. Vegetables provide a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamins. The vegetables are highly recommended are cabbage, spinach, broccoli, green beans, carrots, tomatoes and peppers.

2. Eating Fruits

Various fruits also provide fiber, minerals and vitamins needed for the body.

3. Eating Less Fat

Diabetics can eat foods that contain lots of protein such as meat. If you try to eat meat in order to eat meat with little fat, such as chicken breast, fish, lean beef or turkey without the skin.

4.Lost of
White Water

White water is needed for the body because it can dissolve toxins in the body. Avoid sugary drinks and soda, this can be bad for health.

5.Drink Low-Fat Milk

Milk is a source of much needed essential elements the body needs. Sources of fat-free milk, such as yogurt and low-fat milk is very good for the body.


Be sure to avoid or limit their intake of carbohydrates include corn syrup, honey, candy, sugar, white rice, white bread or items containing fructose, glucose or sucrose.

Herbal Remedy Stomach Reducers

Herbal Remedy Stomach Reducers

According to some sources there is a saying that to shrink the stomach there are:
1. be drunk
Materials - materials:

5-7  Dutch teak leaves
• 1 Thumb bulbs bangle
1.5 cups of water
How to mix:
1. Boil all ingredients with water to 1 cup water, strain, cool.
2. Drink 2 times a day morning and evening before meals.
 2. smeared
Materials - materials:
• 1 shredded red ginger thumb
1 whole lemon squeezed
1 tbsp virgin coconut oil (VCO) or olive oil
How to mix:
1. Mix all ingredients together until smooth, after all flat, then smeared the potion in the stomach.
2. Apply 2 times a day morning and evening

Super Red Dragon Fruit Herbs Herbal Heart Disease

Super Red Dragon Fruit Herbs Herbal Heart Disease

Red dragon fruit in addition known as the fruit consumption is also known as a super fruit that can serve as pengempur many kinds of diseases, one of which is heart disease. Heart disease is usually caused by poor diet everyday so that the levels of cholesterol in the blood accumulate and cause blockages in multiple major blood vessels. By eating red dragon fruit regularly can reduce the risk of blood vessel blockage as vitamin B3 contained in this red dragon fruit can help lower levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Dragon fruit also has properties to help stabilize blood pressure.

Medical research has found that in a red dragon fruit, contained approximately 100 kcal substances Lycopene, Lycopene is a substance that is very useful for maintaining the human heart in order to stay healthy. In addition to the red dragon fruit, herbal medicine for the heart that you can make the choice is Noni. Noni is a tropical fruit that comes from the Pacific. This fruit has long used as a traditional medicine.

Ingredients, Efficacy and Benefits of Tamarind fruit

Ingredients, Efficacy and Benefits of  
Tamarind Fruit
Fruit that has a sour taste actually has some of the properties and benefits, following tamarind fruit content:

Tatrat acid, malic acid, citric acid, succinic acid and acetic acid
Have a material that functions as an anti-inflammatory, helps remove sweat and relieve pain
While the efficacy and benefits of tamarind fruit is as follows:
1. asthma

Boil 2 pieces tamarind tree bark and leaves of fennel taste to 1 liter of water to boil. Strain and drink 2 times a day
2. hacking cough
3 Boil tamarind fruit pods, ½ handful sage leaves in 4 cups of water to boil and the remaining 1 cup of water. Strain and drink 2 times a day morning and evening
3. fever
Boil 1 handful of tamarind leaves and fennel leaves taste with ½ liter of water until boiling. Strain and drink 2 times a day morning and evening
4. fever
Pour 2 pods tamarind fruit that has been cooked with salt to taste with 1 cup hot water. Strain and drink. for pregnant women are not allowed to drink it
5. rheumatic
Finely crushed 1 handful of tamarind leaves and tamarind seeds 2-3. Compress the collisions on the sick
6. stomach ache
Mash and mix 3 pods tamarind fruit is ripe, whiting and eucalyptus oil to taste. Rub the collisions on the stomach
7. thrush
Boil 2-3 golong tamarind fruit that was old, and ¼ teaspoon salt to taste whiting with 3 cups of water to boil and the remaining 2 cups of water. Strain and drink 2 times a day morning and afternoon
8. ulcers
Some finely crushed tamarind seeds and stick to the wound
9. Eczema and boils
Mash until smooth 1 handful of young tamarind and turmeric 2 of thumb. Then stick it on the sick

Typical Hot Drinks Bandrek Indonesia

 Typical Hot Drinks Bandrek Indonesia

One more drink the right drink cold weather made ​​the Bandrek Indonesia. Because in addition to good taste, bandrek also warms the body drinker.

o 2 ounces ginger, crushed
o 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
o 2 ounces granulated sugar
o 3 ounces palm sugar
o 3 pieces pandan leaves
o Water taste
o 1 small bowl of cooked glutinous white
o 1 small bowl of green beans that have been boiled
o 1 small bowl of fruit roof (to and fro)
o 1 slice of bread, cut dadau

How to Make:
1. Cook the ginger, lemongrass, palm sugar, pandan and water to the boil and cooked perfectly
2. Back strain and cook over low heat to keep warm
3. Prepare the glass, put white sticky rice, green beans, and fro and pieces of bread each a tablespoon (or as you wish).
4. Pour sauce into a glass and then bubuhi with sweetened condensed milk

Benefits of Onion

 Benefits of Onion


beneficial for lowering blood sugar activity,
lowering cholesterol,
cure asthma,
against tumor cells and
cure leukemia.
How to use:
20 grams of washed red onion and blend. This juice drink with 1 tablespoon honey, 2 times a day in the morning and evening. If you do not like juice can be used seasoning mixture.

besides onion can also be used to warm the body and lower the heat a child by:
crushed onion mixed with a little eucalyptus oil and then apply on the child's body

Organic Skin Care With Rice

 Organic Skin Care With Rice

Many people when he washed the rice and then discard the water. Do you know if the rice water was found to have great benefits for beauty. No wonder so few women in different parts of the world use rice water to wash their faces, those that use rice water bath because the water turns the rice is believed to make the skin smoother and brighter. some even say that the rice was an organic facial bleach.
Rice water and rice into his own appeal for oryzanol in rice substances capable of updating the formation of melanin pigment and effectively counteract ultraviolet rays. Therefore, rice bran oil is widely used in sunscreen products and hair conditioner. Not only that, the use of rice bran oil also we can get the lip blush and nail polish, this is caused by high adhesive power and the texture is very smooth.
Different types of rice provide different services:White rice:
white colored little transparent. This type of rice dominate the rice market. Most suitable for normal to oily skin.
• Red Rice: 
Color purplish red. Suitable for normal to dry skin.
• Black Rice: 
purple colored black concentrated approach, a very rare type. Fragrance was more concentrated than other types of rice, and fitting is used for all skin types.
How to use:1. As Masks
After washing, do not waste the water first. Pour into a glass container or bowl. Let stand a few minutes until the rice starch was visible at the bottom of the bowl. Discard the water that is in it, reserving juice starch.
Use starch precipitated upon as a mask. Averaged over the face, wait about 15 minutes or until the mask dries. Try not to smile, let alone laugh talk that masks do not crack so it does not arise wrinkles on the face.
Once dry, wash your face. Do it 2 times a week. Should do the night time activities of non-solid.
After some time, there may be flaking of the skin. But do not worry because it is prose exfoliation of dead skin cells will be replaced new.

2. For Face Wash

Use water to wash my face like the rest of sediment deposition rice make a mask.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Bengkoang Benefits For Health And Beauty

 Bengkoang Benefits For Health And Beauty

Bengkoang included in the tribe of legumes or legume that is formed from the root tuber (cormus). This plant is also known as xicama or jicama.
Chemical content of bengkoang is pachyrhizon, rotenon, inulin, vitamins B1 and C. Tubers contain sugar and starch as well as phosphorus and calcium. Bulbs also have a cooling effect because they contain 86-90% moisture content. The sweet taste comes from an oligosaccharide called inulin.
Bengkoang for health benefits:
Overcoming skin disease
  The seeds mashed sweet potatoes and sulfur and then placed on the body of the sick.
  Grate one or two of sweet, then filtered and drunk every morning and afternoon.
  Bengkoang can be eaten directly or made ​​into juice drink morning and evening.
Overcoming eczema
  Eating directly yam is peeled. Perform routine four times a week.
  Drinking juice bengkoang every waking in the morning
• The content of antiseptics in bengkoang able to cope with itching on the skin
Lowering Blood Cholesterol Levels
  Drinking juice bengkoang once a day
Benefits bengkoang for beauty:
Refreshing face, whiten and tighten skin
Remove black spots
Maintain consistency of bones and teeth
As an natural fitoestogren

Various Benefit Lime

Various Benefit Lime 

As said KOMPAS.com - Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) has a flavor that is bitter, sour and a little chilly, but it has many benefits.
Lime oil contains limonene and linalool fly, also flavonoids, such poncirin, hesperidine, rhoifolin and naringin. The content of the ripe fruit is synephrine and N-methyltyramine, other than citric acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, B1, and C. Sitratnya acid is able to prevent postoperative recurrence in patients with kidney stones.
Lemon juice can be used as flavoring dishes, beverages, refreshments, from which citric acid, as well as cleaning rust on metal and dirty skin. It could also be a mixture of herbs.
As a natural herb, lemon efficacious to remove the blockage of vital energy, cough, laxative sputum (mucolytics), laxative urine (diuretic) and sweat, and help the digestive process.
In addition, the eating habits of lemon juice has a beneficial to raise the pH in the body, especially the urine, which makes the kidneys work better to remove toxins from the body. Vitamin C and bioflavonoids have benefits for improving endurance, antioxidants, and prevent cancer. In addition, vitamin C is one of the components for the formation of collagen in the body naturally.
The recipe for using lemon juice
1. Hemorrhoid
Wash 10 g lemon tree root, then boiled with 1 liter of water for 1/2 hour, strain. Drink 3 times a day while warm.

2. Tonsil

3 Wash the lemon peel and then cut into pieces. Boil 2 cups of water until the water remaining 3/4, strain. Use water to rinse. Do it 3-4 times a day.

Wanted to go to the bathroom kept

Wash 2 pieces lemon, squeeze and let sugar cubes to taste, add 1 cup hot water. Drink 1 day.

4. CoughSqueeze 1 lime fruit that has been washed, add 1 tablespoon of honey and a pinch of salt, mix well and then strain. drink 2-3 times a day.or lemon juice then add a bit of sugar and mix until blended, 1 drink a day until healed.5. Cough with Influenza

Cut a ripe lime containing enough water, wring it out. Pour boiling water juice with 60 cc of hot water. Add 1/2 teaspoon water whiting then stir well. Drink this mixture two times a day 2 tablespoons.

6. Body Odor    Method 1:

Cut into 2 parts lime large enough, spread the slices with a thin layer of whiting. Apply to underarms after shower. Let stand for 5 minutes then rinse, intervenes every morning and afternoon.
    Method 2:
Mash until smooth leaves 10 young then pulverized lime, pulung be as small as a pill, eat 3 times a day.

7. Kidney StonesTwo grains of lime juice diluted with 2 cups village warm water, drink after dinner. Do it every day for 10 days.8. Diphtheria

Squeeze 2 lime fruit that has been washed. Pour 1 cup of hot water, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Use to rinse for 2 minutes while still warm, and drink. Do it 3 times a day.

9. Fever or Flu    Method 1:

squeeze 1 lime fruit that has been washed, add onion 3 cloves that have been crushed, and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply on the forehead of the patient.
    Method 2:
Bake 1 orange juice, then squeeze the pieces, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink at once.

10. Irregular Menstruation3 tablespoons of lemon juice plus 1 tablespoon honey and 2 cups hot water mix evenly. Drink while warm. Do it 3 times a day11. After Childbirth

Add 1 tablespoon whiting and 2 tablespoons of eucalyptus oil and lime juice 2 whole village, mix, and apply to the abdomen. Do it for 3 months every day after bathing, to avoid stomach wrinkles, smooth and flat as before.

12. Pimple

sliced ​​1 orange juice then rub it on the skin.

13. Prevent Hair Loss or dandruff

2 lime cut into three sections, apply to the scalp until blended. Wrap your head with a towel during overnight then wash the next day. Do it 3 times a week.

14. Multiply Hair

whisk egg chicken add lemon juice 3 eggs hometown. Rub on the scalp, leave for 2 hours then rinse with shampoo that stimulates hair becomes shiny and thick.
Shampoos made from 1 bunch straw straw, burnt to a charcoal (not gray) and let it soak in water overnight. Filter, shampoo straw ready for use.
15. Stopping Smoking Habit
Sliced ​​1 lime, suction and drinking water. Do this several times a day.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Efficacy and Benefit of Ginger (Curcuma)

Efficacy and Benefit of Ginger (Curcuma) 


Latin name: Curcuma XanthorrizaFamilia: Zingiberaceae
Ginger plants growing in the area at an altitude of 5-750 m above sea level. The plant has some content such as essential oils, curcumin, glucosida, phellandrene, turmenol, myrcene, xanthorrihizol, isofuranogermacreene, ptolvletycarbinol
The efficacy of ginger is the cure several diseases such as:1. Thrush

To treat your canker sores, boil 1 rhizome of ginger that has been sliced ​​with 2 cups of water with 1 fruit sour, a little brown sugar to the water a half. Pick and mix 1 eye acid, stir and strain
Drink this mixture two times a day.
2. Bowel obstruction
Iris rhizome of ginger, put sugar and tamarind, dissolved in boiling water. Drinking the potion 1 a day
3. Ulcer
Cut the ginger into small pieces, boiled with water until boiling. Then drink the solution
4. Menstrual pain
Wash and peel 1 rhizome of ginger and then slice and give a little brown sugar and then boiled with a glass of water. Lift and then put a little tamarind, stir and strain.
Drink this mixture 1 a day
5. Constipation
Minced ginger rhizome until smooth, put mustard seeds and then give water and then wring it out. Give a little tamarind and palm sugar in the juice.
Drink 1 a day
6. Eczema
Entered ginger rhizome of chicken eggs add acid kawak for pigeon eggs with 2 cups of water and add a little brown sugar. Thenn simmer until the water remaining half of glass.Then  strain
Drink this mixture 1 a day
7. Jaundice (disorders of the liver or liver)
Grate ginger rhizome, and then squeeze the water and drink. Can also be boiled or dried rhizome and then drink the water.
8. Hepatitis
Wash and peel 2 fingers of ginger. Boil a liter of water with 1 cup brown sugar to add a little water to ½ cup.
Drink this solution 2 times a day
9. Kidney disease
Wash and peel 1 piece of ginger and then boiled with 4 cups of water. Add a handful of leaves and a handful of leaves cat whiskers meniran, wait for the water to half a cup. Lift
Drink this mixture 3 times a day
10. Asthma
1 ½ slices of ginger rhizome that has been washed and peeled, boiled with 5 cups water. Add a little brown sugar to the water a half.
Drink this solution 3 times a day
11. Cough
1 grated ginger rhizome that has been washed and peeled. Add 1 cup hot water and then wring it out. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and lemon water
Drink this solution 2 times a day each ½ cup
12. Ulcer
5 pieces of sliced ​​ginger that has been peeled. Boil 2 cups water with a little brown sugar. Remove and insert tamarind taste.
after cold drink

Additionally ginger can also be used for:• Increase breastfeeding

Minced ginger rhizome and then boiled with water and add a little sago. Remove and strain
Drink this solution 1 a day
• Lowering cholesterol levels
Mash until smooth 1 that have been dried ginger rhizome. Then pour the water. After a cold drink this potion
• Replenish appetite
2 slices of ginger rhizome pieces that have been washed and peeled. Boil 2 cups of water. Add ginger ¼, ½ meniran handheld leaf. After a ½ cup water, lift. Drink this solution twice daily 1 ½ cups
• Eliminates body odor
Wash 5 slices meeting buffoonery then boiled with ½ cup of water for 15 minutes. Drinking water 1 time a day.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Ussage Leaves For Treatmen "Dadap Serep"

 Ussage Leaves For Treatmen "Dadap Serep"

Dadap leaf has a light wood, soft and white. Well to make a float, packing crates, frames and children's toys, dadap leaf contains high protein and nitrogen.

Moreover dadap leaf also contains: alkaloids, eritradina, eritrina, eritramina, hipaforina, and erisovina. It was bitter, is cool, and purify the blood.

Utilization dadap leaves for treatment:

Treating intestinal worms and dysentery

Dadap leaf juice mixed with honey can be used to treat intestinal worms; dadap leaf juice mixed with castor oil (kasteroli) is used to cure dysentery.

Smooth milk

Dadap young leaves can be used as a nutritious vegetable augment breast milk, making sleep more soundly and with interest to launch menstruation.
Dadap  can be used as a febrifuge by compressing the finely crushed leaves of the dadap.

Stomach ache

Use tapel the abdomen below the herb to treat stomach pains, and bloody mucoid stools: finely crushed leaves and fresh dadap duck bill leaves to taste, add a little water. Then apply on the abdomen, repeat every 3 hours.

Relieve arthritis

The leaves are heated dadap used as a poultice to relieve rheumatism. Pepagan (bark) dadap have efficacy as a laxative, laxative urine and sputum diluent.


To maintain the health of the mother after delivery,use spare Dadap collision leaves and gets belly rub.

Prevent Miscarriage

Dadap leaves can be used to prevent miscarriage, in a way to compress the abdomen with the  dadap leaves finely crushed, in addition to rest.