Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Herbal Remedy Stomach Reducers

Herbal Remedy Stomach Reducers

According to some sources there is a saying that to shrink the stomach there are:
1. be drunk
Materials - materials:

5-7  Dutch teak leaves
• 1 Thumb bulbs bangle
1.5 cups of water
How to mix:
1. Boil all ingredients with water to 1 cup water, strain, cool.
2. Drink 2 times a day morning and evening before meals.
 2. smeared
Materials - materials:
• 1 shredded red ginger thumb
1 whole lemon squeezed
1 tbsp virgin coconut oil (VCO) or olive oil
How to mix:
1. Mix all ingredients together until smooth, after all flat, then smeared the potion in the stomach.
2. Apply 2 times a day morning and evening

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