Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Organic Skin Care With Rice

 Organic Skin Care With Rice

Many people when he washed the rice and then discard the water. Do you know if the rice water was found to have great benefits for beauty. No wonder so few women in different parts of the world use rice water to wash their faces, those that use rice water bath because the water turns the rice is believed to make the skin smoother and brighter. some even say that the rice was an organic facial bleach.
Rice water and rice into his own appeal for oryzanol in rice substances capable of updating the formation of melanin pigment and effectively counteract ultraviolet rays. Therefore, rice bran oil is widely used in sunscreen products and hair conditioner. Not only that, the use of rice bran oil also we can get the lip blush and nail polish, this is caused by high adhesive power and the texture is very smooth.
Different types of rice provide different services:White rice:
white colored little transparent. This type of rice dominate the rice market. Most suitable for normal to oily skin.
• Red Rice: 
Color purplish red. Suitable for normal to dry skin.
• Black Rice: 
purple colored black concentrated approach, a very rare type. Fragrance was more concentrated than other types of rice, and fitting is used for all skin types.
How to use:1. As Masks
After washing, do not waste the water first. Pour into a glass container or bowl. Let stand a few minutes until the rice starch was visible at the bottom of the bowl. Discard the water that is in it, reserving juice starch.
Use starch precipitated upon as a mask. Averaged over the face, wait about 15 minutes or until the mask dries. Try not to smile, let alone laugh talk that masks do not crack so it does not arise wrinkles on the face.
Once dry, wash your face. Do it 2 times a week. Should do the night time activities of non-solid.
After some time, there may be flaking of the skin. But do not worry because it is prose exfoliation of dead skin cells will be replaced new.

2. For Face Wash

Use water to wash my face like the rest of sediment deposition rice make a mask.

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