Saturday, November 17, 2012

Ussage Leaves For Treatmen "Dadap Serep"

 Ussage Leaves For Treatmen "Dadap Serep"

Dadap leaf has a light wood, soft and white. Well to make a float, packing crates, frames and children's toys, dadap leaf contains high protein and nitrogen.

Moreover dadap leaf also contains: alkaloids, eritradina, eritrina, eritramina, hipaforina, and erisovina. It was bitter, is cool, and purify the blood.

Utilization dadap leaves for treatment:

Treating intestinal worms and dysentery

Dadap leaf juice mixed with honey can be used to treat intestinal worms; dadap leaf juice mixed with castor oil (kasteroli) is used to cure dysentery.

Smooth milk

Dadap young leaves can be used as a nutritious vegetable augment breast milk, making sleep more soundly and with interest to launch menstruation.
Dadap  can be used as a febrifuge by compressing the finely crushed leaves of the dadap.

Stomach ache

Use tapel the abdomen below the herb to treat stomach pains, and bloody mucoid stools: finely crushed leaves and fresh dadap duck bill leaves to taste, add a little water. Then apply on the abdomen, repeat every 3 hours.

Relieve arthritis

The leaves are heated dadap used as a poultice to relieve rheumatism. Pepagan (bark) dadap have efficacy as a laxative, laxative urine and sputum diluent.


To maintain the health of the mother after delivery,use spare Dadap collision leaves and gets belly rub.

Prevent Miscarriage

Dadap leaves can be used to prevent miscarriage, in a way to compress the abdomen with the  dadap leaves finely crushed, in addition to rest.

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