Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Beauty of Lotus Flowers can also be Used as Drug

The Beauty of Lotus Flowers can also be Used as Drug 

Latin name: Nelumbium nelumdo Druce
Benefits: reduce the heat, stop bleeding

Plant part used: whole plant

Getting treatment:
1. Coughing up blood, vomiting blood

Juice lotus rhizome that has been cleaned up to collect 1 glass size 200 cc then drink for 3-5 consecutive days
2. Vomiting, diarrhea
Juice or grated 50 g and 15 g lotus rhizome of ginger. Drinking water 3 times a day.
3. Dysentery
Juice or grated 50 g and 10 g lotus rhizome of ginger and then squeezed. Add 100 cc of water at water juice then heat until boiling. Once cool add 1 tablespoon of honey, stir and drink
4. Bleeding from the nose (nosebleeds)
Juice lotus root segment that has been washed clean. Squirt water on the nose
5. High blood
Boil 10 g and 15 g lotus seeds lotus seeds sprout with 350 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc. Drink every morning as drinking tea
6. Heat in, gondokan, beneficial for patients with heart and liver
Wash and cut the lotus rhizome 100 g and 50 g of fresh reed rhizome. Boiled with 500 cc of water until the remaining 250 cc. after cold filtered water and drink like tea

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