Saturday, November 17, 2012

Herbal Medicines For Uric Acid Or Gout

 Herbal Medicines For Uric Acid Or Gout

Uric acid is known as "the disease of kings" because it affects many of the rich and nobles who like to eat good food but lack of physical activity. Here are some traditional medicine that can be used:
         1. Sidaguri (sida rhombifolia)
Sidaguri are wild plants that grow at the edge of the road, lawns, forests, fields, and places with direct sunlight or a slightly shielded. Sidaguri containing ephedrine alkaloids, particularly in the seeds, which have a cooling effect on the body (anti-fever), digestion, shrinking the tissue (astringent), stimulates the production of urine (diuretic) and strengthens stamina. In addition to effective for gout, sidaguri also useful to overcome hematuria, cystitis, sexual weakness and poor sperm quality.
         2. Legundi (vitex negundo)
Flowers and leaves Legundi is one sateu effective herbal medicine to control pain and inflammation due to arthritis and sciatica. Legundi is creeping shrub tree with an irregular crown, aromatic, and 1-4 m high. This tree can be found as wild plants in the teak forest, secondary forest, on the edge of the road and rice fields and flowering in January-December.
         3. Seed (nigella sativa)
Seed or black cumin is very suitable anti-inflammatory to relieve inflammation caused by uric acid. In addition, black cumin is also efficacious to relieve asthma, flu and allergies, reduce high blood pressure, prevent gallstones, cancer prevention, etc.
         4. Salai guggul (boswellia serrata)
This plant is widely grown in India and South Asia. Resin derived from purified plant trees and used to treat the pain and inflammation of gout. Boswelik acid contained in it can reduce cholesterol and protect the heart against bacterial endotoxins. Part of the non-acid salai guggul tree extract can lower blood pressure and is soothing.
         5. Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Red Ginger is a herbal anti-inflammatory. In addition, red ginger can increase appetite and facilitate the digestive and respiratory systems. Red Ginger helps reduce inflammation in the joints and discard pile uric acid by improving blood circulation.
         6. Brotowali (Tinospora cordifolia)
Brotowali an herbal enhancers immune system (immuno-modulator). Brotowali makes the body more resistant to disease and more youthful. In addition to relieve gout, brotowali also useful to overcome diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and nourish the body's vital organs.
         7. Green tea
The green contains many polyphenols that work as antioxidants preventing gout attacks. In addition, green tea also contains vitamin C and vitamin E are beneficial for gout sufferers. Green tea contains a compound called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which prevents the production of molecules that cause inflammation and joint damage in patients with gout.


  1. Nature has many medicines for big problems. Herbal medicines are safe because these medicines had no side effects.
    Gout Treatment

  2. Herbal meditation is a big and effective way for getting relief from any remedy. It has a good Natural Gout treatment.
    Reduce Uric Acid
