Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Healthy Eating Tips for Diabetes Mellitus

 Healthy Eating Tips for Diabetes Mellitus

1. Expand Vegetable

Patients with Diabetes mellitus can increase the servings of vegetables every day because the benefits are very good for the body. Consumption of vegetables is very important to control the body with fiber that can bind to carbohydrates for diabetes. Vegetables provide a great source of fiber, minerals and vitamins. The vegetables are highly recommended are cabbage, spinach, broccoli, green beans, carrots, tomatoes and peppers.

2. Eating Fruits

Various fruits also provide fiber, minerals and vitamins needed for the body.

3. Eating Less Fat

Diabetics can eat foods that contain lots of protein such as meat. If you try to eat meat in order to eat meat with little fat, such as chicken breast, fish, lean beef or turkey without the skin.

4.Lost of
White Water

White water is needed for the body because it can dissolve toxins in the body. Avoid sugary drinks and soda, this can be bad for health.

5.Drink Low-Fat Milk

Milk is a source of much needed essential elements the body needs. Sources of fat-free milk, such as yogurt and low-fat milk is very good for the body.


Be sure to avoid or limit their intake of carbohydrates include corn syrup, honey, candy, sugar, white rice, white bread or items containing fructose, glucose or sucrose.

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