Saturday, November 17, 2012

Keep Your Beauty With Bananas

Keep Your Beauty With Bananas


To get a smooth skin without defects is difficult, but it would be great if our skin healthy. It will add points plis on our skin. One way to get a healthy skin is a skin care.
The best alternative for facial skin care is using natural ingredients. Because in this way without any side effects, other than that natural ingredients are easier to obtain. One is a banana. Use that is easy enough:
As a scrub
As a mask
As a moisturizer
The way of processing:
Skin moisturizing mask >>
-Use pure banana and honey
-Separate the banana skin. Rub the inside of a banana skin on the hands and feet
-Mash bananas then mix with honey. Apply on the face. Let stand for 20 minutes and then wipe with a cloth soaked in warm water to open the pores
- Take a bath

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